Faculty by Research Area
Systematics and Evolution
Diego Jose Santana Silva
Email: santanadiegojose@yahoo.com
- Area(s) of expertise:
- Systematics, Biogeography, and Natural History of Amphibians and Reptiles
Diogo Borges Provete
Email: diogo.provete@ufms.br
- Area(s) of expertise:
- Macroevolution of terrestrial vertebrates
- Phenotypic evolution
- Ecological Morphology
- Neotropicl Tadpole biology
Douglas de Araujo
Email: d.araujo@ufms.br
- Area(s) of expertise:
- Cytogenetics and Taxonomy of spiders
Fernando Rogério de Carvalho
Email: carvalhofr@gmail.com
- Area(s) of expertise:
- Taxonomy of freshwater fish
Gustavo Graciolli
Email: ggraciolli@yahoo.com.br
- Area(s) of expertise:
- Systematics of Diptera
- Ectoparasitic flies of bats
Nelson Rufino de Albuquerque
Email: nelson.rufino@ufms.br
- Area(s) of expertise:
- Systematics of Amphibians and Reptiles
Ramon Jose Correa Luciano de Mello
Email: ramonlmello@gmail.com
- Area(s) of expertise:
- Taxonomy of Diptera
Sarah Mângia Barros
Email: sarahmangia@yahoo.com.br
- Area(s) of expertise:
- Systematics and Phylogeny of birds
Sergio Roberto Posso
Email: srposso@hotmail.com
- Area(s) of expertise:
- Systematics and Phylogeny of birds
Applied and Experimental Zoology
Alessandra Gutierrez de Oliveira
- Area(s) of expertise:
- Taxonomy and population ecology of insects as disease vectors
Carlos Eurico dos Santos Fernandes
Email: carlos.fernandes@ufms.br
- Area(s) of expertise:
- Histomorphology
- Ecotoxicology
Fernando Paiva
Email: fernando.paiva@ufms.br
- Area(s) of expertise:
- Parasite-Host Interactions
- Morphophysiology of parasitic agents in wild animals
Lilian Franco Belussi
Email: lilian.belussi@gmail.com
- Area(s) of expertise:
- Biology of colour
- Physiology of pigmented cells in vertebrates
Luiz Eduardo Roland Tavares
Email: lertavares@gmail.com
- Area(s) of expertise:
- Parasitology
- Taxonomy of helminths and parasitic crustaceans
Marciana Sanabria
Email: marcisanabria@gmail.com
- Area(s) of expertise:
- Toxicology of reproduction and development
Natural History
Arnaud Léonard Jean Desbiez
Email: adesbiez@hotmail.com
- Area(s) of expertise:
- Population management and ecology
Erich Arnold Fischer
Email: eafischer@uol.com.br
- Area(s) of expertise:
- Natural history and ecology of bats
Jose Ragusa Netto
Email: jragusanetto@yahoo.com
- Area(s) of expertise:
- Feeding Ecology of Frugivorous Bird Populations and Communities
Marcelo Oscar Bordignon
Email: marcelo.bordignon@ufms.br
- Area(s) of expertise:
- Mastozoology
Maria Luisa da Silva Pinto
Email: malu.jorge@vanderbilt.edu
- Area(s) of expertise:
- Conservation and management of wild Mammals
Rodrigo Aranda
Email: rodrigoaranda.biologo@gmail.com
- Area(s) of expertise:
- General ecology of bees, ants and wasps
Vanda Lucia Ferreira
Email: vanda.ferreira@ufms.br
- Area(s) of expertise:
- Natural History of Amphibians and Reptiles